Saturday, April 26, 2008

Free Article Submission Sites - The Daily Top Three Secret Method of Achievement

The main reason people will never succeed, or change their lives because they simply never do anything. They plan, they wanted, they moan and groan, but never take action. Do you have plans to change your life? You make at least one thing every day. Here& 39;s how I do it:
Top 3 List
Write down 3 things you will do today that will move you closer to your goals of financial freedom, balanced life and spiritual realization. They should not be lengthy, time-consuming difficult task, but they must be realistic objectives, which means something.
Take first paragraph, and do so at the beginning of the day. You must make at least your number one item. When you finish day you will have a sense of satisifaction and achievements, you are not known in the past. No guilt, no disappointment, just exhilaration know you are finally doing it!
The primary cause people will never achieve greater part of all this is simply inaction. They never do anything different from the fears of danger: lack of knowledge, insecurity, fear of failure, etc.
Use three machines every day, and see how quickly you begin the transition to life you always wanted. G. Brent Riggs has more than 20 years of experience as an author, teacher, mentor and business owner. You can contact him on his main site: or

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Marketing Strategy - Spell Out Your Unique Value

I attended a Sales Focus seminar a few years back in which the speaker asked this key question. Why, based on all the competitive alternatives available to me, would I want to buy from you? What a great question.

Most of the participants in the room couldn t come up with anything beyond We ve only got experienced professionals on staff. ; We use proven methodologies. ; We ve got a reputation in the marketplace for delivering value-added services. or We re totally committed to our clients success.

To which the speaker replied, Excuse me, but who s not saying those things?

You must be able to clearly define what differentiates you from your competitors in the marketplace. If you re not clear, how can you expect your clients and prospects to be clear? In essence, you might as well be saying, Please buy from me what you might otherwise buy from someone else. Give me your money.

Your long winded description of who you are, what you do for a living and why you re so great will rarely attract your ideal client. If fact, you re probably more likely to drive them away.

We all know a lot of service providers who are out there trying to use this approach. Most of them are standing around commiserating with each other that it s tough out there , and people just aren t buying right now. What they don t understand is that without clearly articulating their unique value they re not giving prospective clients, who actually want and need their service, a chance to find them.

If you haven t spent the time to get straight on this concept for your business, then stop what you re doing and do this now. Trust me when I say that you re better off to skip the next networking meeting or postpone that next sales meeting to work on this step rather than continue on without it.

When done correctly, clear definition of your unique value becomes one of the most potent weapons in your marketing and sales arsenal.

How do you do this? Here s an idea. Start by truly defining who your ideal client is. Not some vague description of various types of clients you ve worked with in the past. Develop a solid profile of what your favorite, best, most ideal client looks like. Next, clarify what success in working with you would look like from the client s perspective.

Now answer this question, Why do you work? What is it that you are uniquely doing and why does that make it a better deal for the client? What do you do better, different, faster, more economically, with higher quality, with added benefits, with lower risk, or with a different spin? Be as specific as you can. Don t generalize or be vague.

If you really want to get tremendous value from this exercise then sit down with a handful of your ideal clients and share your results with them to get their input. Oh by the way just by doing this, you will be differentiating yourself from your competition because you re including your clients.

Once you ve got this clear definition of your unique value, you can use it throughout all of your marketing and sales efforts. To be effective, it must be authentic and real. Don t go overboard where you might over promise and under deliver. That could kill your business faster than anything else.

The more you re able to communicate your unique value, the more you ll be working with your ideal clients and providing them your services.

(c) - Kevin Dervin, KPD Marketing

About the Author:

Kevin Dervin is focused on helping small businesses that are ready to grow, but struggle with how to consistently attract more clients. Visit for more great marketing information you can put to use in growing your business today.

Find Kevin s Kansas City based KPD Marketing practice at and subscribe to his free ezine called ABCD Grow.

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Monday, April 14, 2008

Recycling Benefits for Business and Individuals

While there are many disadvantages and problems that are caused by not recycling, this article provides information on the benefits of recycling to date and the positive outcome that we have experienced as a result of businesses and individuals who have decided to get behind recycling for personal and less selfish reasons. On one level the cost of recycling is actually much less than incineration, land fills and waste collection meaning that the more we shift towards recycling the more the world can benefit as a whole through reduced taxation, meaning funds are spent in a better way which will ultimately benefit everyone.
According to information provided by the Nation Recycling Coalition many cities are starting to change their perception on recycling, years after claiming that it would be a drain on their economy. New York is one of the more prominent examples. City decision makers felt years back that recycling would be a $40 Mil drain on the economy, however after speaking with experts they re asserted their position and found that they could save $20 Mil with a carefully planned and well executed recycling campaign.
Now local councils are trying to increase people s propensity to recycle with new measures being taken to charge people for as much waste they throw away. Now this really means that people can save big by turning towards recycling, and they have further incentives when they are actually being charged for the burden on the economy that they create.
At the moment, recycling is responsible for 1.1 Mil jobs in the USA, with that number expected to rise as more governments get behind recycling. Already creating around $37 Million in salaries annually, we can be in no doubt that recycling has a positive effect in that regard. As well as creating jobs directly, recycling also creates many jobs indirectly in the form of private sector contracts, innovation and subsequent revenues and employment. For those reasons alone recycling has certainly had a positive impact.
Recycling and composting now moves more than double the waste away from landfill sites that it did 10 years ago. Now 70 Million tons of previously useless waste is now put to use and being resold as products and put to use in our gardens up and down the country. To give an indication of how that impacts us; for every one ton of paper that is recycled rather than thrown away, we can expect to save 15 trees from being cut down. And another great indicator is that the energy consumed from creating the glass that can be saved from recycling one glass bottle is enough to light a single bulb for 4 hours straight.
Recycling is also reducing most categories of water and air pollutants, so as we recycle more, as we are doing at the moment, we are reducing the amount of pollutants that would otherwise end up in the water that we drink and the air that we breathe. So far, our recycling efforts are working well, and a great sign that as our recycling efforts scale, we will all benefit.
About the author: Find more info at the fast growing online scrap marketplace. is an exclusive trading platform for scrap buyers and scrap suppliers.

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Friday, April 11, 2008

BPO Services Outsourcing

India is a major market for BPO Outsourcing Services. Although young in the country, BPO industry has grown phenomenally and has become a very important part of the IT software and outsourcing services environment. Business Process Outsourcing or BPO is one of the fastest growing segments of the Information Technology Enabled Services or ITES industry. It is the long-term contracting of certain business processes to an outside provider to manage one or more of its business processes on defined and measurable performance criteria.
There are many reasons for which companies overseas prefer India as a good place for BPO outsourcing services. Indian companies are better focused on maintaining quality and performance standards. They have also attained the quality certificates for their services. Furthermore, they are promising a significant and continuous improvement in quality and productivity. The number of correct transactions per hour, the speed of answering calls and satisfying queries is high. The availability of technically trained and skilled manpower in India is making companies across the world look at the country as a profitable base to shift their high-end support services.
The BPO services outsourced by Indian companies have evolved drastically over the years. Today, companies are offering a variety of outsourced BPO services ranging from customer care, transcription, billing services and database marketing, to web sales/marketing, accounting, tax processing, transaction document management, telesales/telemarketing, HR hiring and biotech research among others. BPO services offerings create a telephonic customer service center to manage customer concerns and queries through multiple channels including voice, e-mail and chat on a 24/7 and 365 days basis. Let us take a look at some of Customer Support Services Service Support: BPO professionals answer queries to customers who call in to check on the order status of a certain product, to check for information on products and services, to verify their account status, to check their reservation status or for other such services. Technical Support Services: Customers call up to sort out various technical problems like the functioning of their computers, to understand how the dial up system works, problems with their software or hardware. BPO outsourcing services include round-the-clock technical support and problem resolution for customers with problems pertaining to installation and product support, up & running support, troubleshooting and Usage support Telemarketing Services: Outbound calls are made to potential customers to sell wireless services maybe for a telecom provider, to retail households to sell leisure holidays, to existing customers to sell a new rate card for a mobile service provider or to sell credit or debit cards etc. These calls are made to generate interest to promote and cross sell to an existing customer base or to complete the sales process online. Employee IT Help-desk Services: Provide technical problem resolution and support for corporate employees regarding system problem resolutions related to desktop, notebooks, OS, connectivity etc., office productivity tools support including browsers and mail, new service requests, IT operational issues, product usage queries, routing specific requests to designated contacts and remote diagnostics etc. Insurance Processing Services: BPO professionals also provide insurance processing services with specialized solutions to the insurance sector and support critical business processes applicable to the industry right from new business acquisition to policy maintenance to claims processing. INDIA Technology Center Binary Semantics Plot No. 38, Electronics city Sector 18, Gurgaon-122 015, India Phone: +91.124.4017660 Fax: +91.124.2397655
BPO Services Outsourcing Call Center India SEO Expert India

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